Thursday, April 22, 2010

Carbon Bike Poll Results

Review of your opinion of carbon frame technology in mountain biking land.
Out of 43 respondents I'd have to say it was the closest poll yet.

Breakdown: 12 favor carbon frames, 11 of you don't care one way or another, 12 of y'all think it sucks and the other 8 thinks it's the latest fad that will die soon enough.

What does this mean? I don't really know. Maybe carbon tech will find a niche in racetown and hardtail 29ers but it all depends on you guys and if you're willing to shell out serious jack for the frames.

Personally, I'm not opposed to it but I'm one for knowing my warranty before dropping coin.

Look for another poll in the near future as soon as my brain can conjure up a useful one geared for the club's benefit.

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