Thursday, June 24, 2010

I believe that the next step(s) for GORC is to... Poll Results

Poll Results for the question "I believe that the next step(s) for GORC is to..."

48 pollsters...

Invest time/money in mechanized tools 27%
Increase membership 31%
Increase workday attendance 35%
Focus more on trail maintenance 35%
Focus more on new trail construction 35%
Host / attend community events 22%
Seek out corporate sponsorship 16%
Increase number of social activities 29%
Expand its online presence 6%

The poll answers were generally close together. The website and social media seem to be working as only a few deemed more work to make it even better. Increasing workday attendance seems to be the highest priority in order to build more trail and prevent attendee burnout.

The biggest indicator is that a lot of you want to have the option to attend more social activities. This is something we hope to improve, too.

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