Thursday, July 29, 2010

12 Hour Race Poll Resuls

The highest voted poll so far, 97 votes, and it was the closest call.

Both Castlewood and Greensfelder tied at 29% of the vote for the best location to hold a 12 hour endurance race. But Lost Valley was rriighht there losing by 1% so you could say all three locations are favored by mountain bikers.

And from out of nowhere Indian Camp Creek scored the next highest at 17% of the vote. Maybe I should ride there and check it out. All other trails barely blipped on the radar.

So, where it should an endurance be held? Lost Valley, Greensfelder, Castlewood or Indian Camp Creek. Send us your race concepts.

Look for a new poll after the GORC vacation.


Michael B. said...

Which trail has the best access from multiple places? I only know access to Greensfelder from the main road, and that leaves a long way for support to get to some who is hurt.

I assume that in an endurance ride, people are potentially more likely to push themselves beyond what they're used to, and so could make choices that they wouldn't have on a normal day.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but Lost Valley seems to be more accessible from several points, considering the amount of double track there is there.

There are some thoughts for you.

Unknown said...

Why not do CW and GF. You can use the Al Foster trail to connect one course to the other. We did this during the Bonk Hard 8 hour race in December.