Sunday, November 7, 2010

Greensfelder Workday recap

First of all, looking at the above photo you can clearly see that this weekend was a crushing success. GORC finished the labor intensive switchback project that was started over a year ago.

Several volunteers set and lay stone for hours while three other crews worked on the other side of the ridge repairing erosion damage on all three of the climbing turns that get you up to the rollercoaster ridge section of the DeClue (going clockwise, this is the long climb after the monkeyheads.)

The flavor of the trail was taken into consideration with a new climbing turn that is now only 10% instead of the old 22% dirt channel that continued to get deeper after every rain. The second climbing turn was widened in place, smoothed out and a berm cut in where dirt was available. Lastly the third turn was slightly extended to facilitate better flow and control while maintaining your speed. All should handle the water much more effectively than in the past.

Check out the GORC handiwork for yourself and consider coming out to our workdays. If you like what you see in the woods then just think how much more can get accomplished with more pulaskis in the dirt.

Gallery Yourself

Read what el presidente had to say about the weekend at the bottom of this forum thread

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