Sunday, February 6, 2011

Bike Park / Pump Track Poll Results

The two polls this past month asking riders if a pump track/skills park would be utilized in St. Charles county were the most popular ever with an average of a 130 or so pollers.


St. Charles County Parks is considering developing a bike park with pump track near O'Fallon. How does this sound to you?
I would donate my time to build it - 84 (58%)
I would use it frequently - 58 (40%)
I would use it occasionally - 47 (32%)
It's too far from my house - 17 (11%)
This does not personally interest me - 10 (6%)

Total pollers: 144

How often would you visit a Mountain Bike Skills Park in O'fallon, MO?

Once a week - 37 (30%)
Two or more times a month - 43 (35%)
Three or four times per year - 32 (26%)
Never, does not interest me - 9 (7%)

Total Pollers: 121

As you can clearly see, mountain bikers support a skills park and pump track being developed in St. Charles county. Most would donate their time to help build and maintain it and it appears that locals close to the park would frequent it at least twice a month.

Thanks goes out to the poll recipients. This is invaluable data that can be presented to land managers and governing bodies to show support and willingness to assist in a skills park development.

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