Monday, May 2, 2011

Help Wanted- Greensfelder Challenge May 7th

The Greensfelder Challenge is this weekend, May 7th. If the forecast comes true, we should have some good drying going on and be able to go ahead as planned.

We need some volunteers to help with the race:

1. A couple shifts of 1 to 2 people to work a road crossing on the Scenic Loop. There were 3 crossings last year, so this will be much easier.

2. A couple people to man a table during the registration. The UFD has printed shirts that will be available to those that race for a small donation to GORC.

3. We need 3-4 people to help with the kids race. Mountain Bike Patrollers would be nice, but anyone is welcome.

That should do it for the most part. We'll be marking the course probably on Thursday and then tearing down afterwards. Help with that is always welcome. I will post details on when.

PLEASE COME OUT AND SUPPORT THIS EVENT BY VOLUNTEERING, RACING OR JUST HANGING ABOUT. GORC received over $1000 from this event last year. We don't get many chances to get cold hard cash for insurance/tool/administrative costs, so it's important that this be a success.

Thanks and let's hope for good trail karma and sunny days to make this happen.

More info and sign-up is here.

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