Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Poll Results - North Trace Maintenance


We posed the often though about question that bounces in the back of our heads: Do GORC members see a benefit in maintaining a section of the Ozark Trail or is it not on their radar slash worth the effort.

Fifty of you responded and it was almost a complete tie, however, three of the four options are in the similar vein of "no."

--21 say "yes"
--5 say "no"
--18 say "too far"
--6 say "not interested"

This all sort of makes sense because we've always struggled to assemble a work crew for our twice yearly (mostly once a year) obligation to keep the North Trace in good shape per our agreement when we adopted that piece of the Ozark Trail from the Ozark Trail Association. The usual suspects typically do an out-n-back ride clearing the corridor and working on the tread in the really bad spots.

We've posed the poll question to get a feel for what others think about maintaining the trail that's over an hour and a half out of St. Louis. Thank you for answering it.

Look for a new poll soon.

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