Tuesday, March 26, 2013

GORC Website Launch Party This Friday March 29th, 5pm, Civil Life Brewery, STL

OK, I'm having a party to celebrate the launch of GORC3.0 as I like to call it.

I've invited the Spry Digital team down for drinks - they are the developers that did all the major programming, functionality, process logic and theming for the new site.

This is an informal gathering... do not wait for long-winded speeches as they will not come easily after a drink or three. This is a celebration of a very long 6 months of my life dedicated to taking GORC to the next organizational level.

I truly believe our new site will surpass 90% of all mountain biking club / organization sites. I am very proud of it.

That said, let's all gather and hang out at Civil Life. They have a loft, they have dart boards, they have tours of the the place.

Civil Life is awesome. It is also a cash only establishment. The people are great, the beers are amazing. It's by far my favorite brewery. The partners are cool.

Even if the website is a little late to the party I'm still having it THIS COMING FRIDAY STARTING AT 5pm at

The Civil Life Brewing Company
3714 Holt Ave.
St. Louis, Mo 63116
Planet, Earth


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